Make A Gift

Cornell Giving :: Alumni Dues

Cornell Giving

Sigma Phi Epsilon Capital Projects #789503

Donating through Cornell University

  • Gifts are tax deductible
  • Gifts are eligible for corporate matching
  • Gifts earn individual and class gift credit
  • Gifts earn both SigEp and Cornell credit
  • Giving year runs July through June
To make your Capital Projects gift online, click here. Be sure to enter "Sigma Phi Epsilon Capital Projects #789503" in the box for "Other designation or special instructions."
  1. In the first field, enter the gift amount, including cents.
  2. In the next field, labeled "Designation," choose "Cornell University."
  3. In the third field, select "Cornell Annual Fund."
  4. For the fourth field, "Other designation or special instructions," enter "Sigma Phi Epsilon Capital Projects #789503" in the space provided.
  5. Continue filling in the form.

By allocating your Cornell Fund gift to the Sigma Phi Epsilon Capital Projects Fund, both Cornell and NY Beta are credited with the full amount of the donation. You receive full credit and recognition for your gift with both entities. That doubles the impact of your gift.

Furthermore, the actual dollar amount of your gift can be doubled through matching gift programs available through thousands of employers. Just check the box on the pledge card and enclose your company’s matching gift form with your donation. Matching gifts enable you and your employer to receive credit for supporting Cornell University and NY Beta.

Alumni Dues

Pay Online or by mail

(Dues year runs July 1 through June 30)

Make your gift to SigEp by using our secure credit card payment option below (Visa, MasterCard, Diners, and Discover cards are accepted).

If you'd rather pay by check, download our printable dues and gifts form.

If you have any questions, please contact our alumni records office.

While you're here, log in to share news with fellow SigEp brothers in the next issue of The NYB!

 First five years out of college ($50) 
 More than five years out of college ($100) 
 Evan J. Morris Associates ($101–$249) 
 President's Society ($250–$499) 
 Founder's Society ($500 or more) 

Contact Information
First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province:
Zip/Postal Code: Country:
E-Mail Address:

Credit Card Information
Card Number: Exp. Date:
CVV Code: This is the three- or four-digit security code on your card.

All member and credit card fields are required.